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yukarı dalgalı super...
<MARQUEE style="FILTER: wave (add=10,phase=1,freq=2,strength=35)" scrollAmount=0scrollDelay=0 direction=up width=700 height=225><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 100px; FONT-FAMILY: comic sans ms"> <CENTER><B><FONT color=#0000ff>""<BR></FONT><FONT color=#0000ff><BR></FONT></B></CENTER></FONT></MARQUEE>
neon seklınde yazı...
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700"> <tr> <td><span id="theText" style="width:100%"><h2></h2> <p></span><script> <!-- //range of glowing var from = 5; var to = 11; //speed of pulsing var delay = 55; //color of glow var glowColor = "red"; //NO MORE EDITING!!! var i = to; var j = 0; //can be called here or whenever you want the text to start pulsing textPulseDown(); function textPulseUp() { if (!document.all) return if (i < to) { = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i++; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } if (i = to) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } } function textPulseDown() { if (!document.all) return if (i > from) { = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i--; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } if (i = from) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } } //--> </script> </td> </tr> </table>
yagmur damlalı yazı kodu...
<embed src='' width='635' height='50' FlashVars='mess=buraya yazabilirsin' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000 align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=''/></embed><br><div></font></a></div></br>
ateslı yazı...
<STYLE>#glowtext { FILTER: glow(color=#c57d5a,strength=2); WIDTH: 100%} A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #000066} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #000066} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #000066} A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: #00000} </STYLE> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> function glowit(which){ if (document.all.glowtext[which].filters[0].strength==3) document.all.glowtext[which].filters[0].strength=2 else document.all.glowtext[which].filters[0].strength=3 } function glowit2(which){ if (document.all.glowtext.filters[0].strength==3) document.all.glowtext.filters[0].strength=2 else document.all.glowtext.filters[0].strength=3 } function startglowing(){ if (document.all.glowtext&&glowtext.length){ for (i=0;i<glowtext.length;i++) eval('setInterval("glowit('+i+')",150)') } else if (glowtext) setInterval("glowit2(0)",150) } if (document.all) window.onload=startglowing </SCRIPT> <SPAN id=glowtext> <A href="" target=_blank><FONT size=10>HARDWAREMANİA</FONT></A>
asagı yukarı hareket edıyo
<MARQUEE DIRECTION="UP" SCROLLDELAY="1" SCROLLAMOUNT="1" WIDTH="100%" STYLE="text-align:justify; filter:wave(add=5, phase=10, freq=5, strength=100 ); "><CENTER><font color="#000099" size="5"><BR>İ<BR>L<BR>Y<BR>A<BR>S<BR> <BR>C<BR>İ<BR>V<BR>A<BR>N</font></CENTER></MARQUEE>
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